Tuesday, April 24, 2007

When the world closed its eyes, he opened his arms.

April 6, 1994 was the beginning of a deliberate and ruthless systematic movement to exterminate an entire group of people from the face of the Earth. For 100 days, over one million Tutsi men, women, and children, along with Hutu sympathizers, were killed. Although ample reporting on this crime against humanity was present, the world and its leaders condemned the horrors while sitting on their hands.
Where the world witnessed a hero "Paul Rusesabagina". As manager of the Belgian-owned Mille Collines, a luxury hotel in Kigali, the Rwandan capital, he knew when to slip a bottle of Scotch to corrupt colonels to keep them in his pocket.
Those street smarts became his salvation when Rwanda plummeted into genocide as a wave of ethnic violence ten years ago in an event that transformed the genial businessman into an unlikely hero.

As ethnic Hutus began killing their Tutsi neighbors, Rusesabagina—a Hutu married to a Tutsi woman—turned his hotel into an impromptu refugee camp for more than a thousand terrified Tutsis and moderate Hutus.

Deserted by international peacekeepers, Rusesabagina began cashing in every favor he had ever earned, bribing the Rwandan Hutu soldiers and keeping the bloodthirsty militia (mostly) outside the gates during the hundred days of slaughter.
In the end, he survived along with his wife and three children, as did most of the refugees he sheltered.
Over the course of 100 days in 1994, almost 1 million people were killed . At great personal risk, Rusesabagina offered the Mille Collines Hotel to shelter 1,200 people from certain death.

The movie named Hotel Rwanda tells about courageousness of Paul Rusesabagina on those 100 dark days , The movie is heart throbbing and a excellent master piece for the movie makers and its still my greatest movie of all time.

“I’ve become a humanitarian and I never thought I would become one. And, as a humanitarian, I wanted to take this message on a wider scale, to raise awareness of what happened in my country so that the international community can help others who suffer now.”

- Paul Rusesabagina

More Links:


Charity 4 Rwanda


Official Site "Hotel Rwanda"

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